A pesar de mi Santiago Cruz

Video - A pesar de mi - Santiago Cruz

Letra - A pesar de mi - Santiago Cruz

A pesar de todo te enamoraste de mi,
contra viento y marea, contra ti misma,
te enamoraste de mi

De mi, que he dicho tantas mentiras y causado tantas heridas.
De mi, que vi en la oscuridad y reventé mi cara contra la pared.
De mi, que vestia salvaje para tantos, pasión y canción de algunos cuantos.
De mi, tan ingnorante en amor, tan invencible en el dolor.

A pesar de todo te enamoraste de mi,
contra viento y marea, contra ti misma
te enamorastde mi

De mi, que vi la flor crecer del lodo y vivo la vida de otro modo.
De mi, no veo la marioneta, tu ya no crees en caretas.
De mi, que me he empeñado en adorarte y que a querer tu le enseñaste,
De mi, la ruta ekivocada y apesar de todo aún estás aquí
De mi, ke me enamoré de tí en el preciso instante en que te ví

De mi, sin brújula que apunte el norte y viendo el abismo parado en el borde
De mi, rey de la soldedad que derribó sus muros al dejarte entrar
De mi, de mi, de mii, ohh en que te vii, en que te viii, en que te vii, en que te vii!!

¿Qué opinas de la canción A pesar de mi - Santiago Cruz?

Tags: a pesar de mi santiago cruz, santiago cruz a pesar de mi, letra a pesar de mi, youtube a pesar de mi santiago cruz, a pesar de mi, a pesar de mi letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Te quiero Santiago Cruz

Video - Te quiero - Santiago Cruz

Letra - Te quiero - Santiago Cruz

Te vi y me basto un segundo para enamorarme
Doy gracias a al destino porque pude hallarte
Doy gracias a la vida porque estás aquí
Te vi y el brillo de tus ojos me cambio mi suerte
Y casi sin quererlo comencé a quererte
Un mágico camino me llevo hasta a ti
Y es verdad que somos diferentes pero
Nuestro amor se hace más fuerte
En cada Beso que te doy

T quiero te llevo en cada latido de mi corazón
Te quiero te llevo llenando mi vida
Te quiero te llevo dentro de mi alma como un canción
Te quiero te quiero te quiero mi amor

Te vi ha sido como un sueño el poder amarte
T juro que no hay nada que pueda robarme
Las ganas de vivir mi vida junto a ti
Y es verdad que somos diferentes pero
Nuestro amor se hace más fuerte
En cada Beso que te doy

T quiero te llevo en cada latido de mi corazón
Te quiero te llevo llenando mi vida
Te quiero te llevo dentro de mi alma como un canción
Te quiero te quiero te quiero mi amor

¿Qué opinas de la canción Te quiero - Santiago Cruz?

Tags: te quiero santiago cruz, santiago cruz te quiero, letra te quiero, youtube te quiero santiago cruz, te quiero, te quiero letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Baja la guardia Santiago Cruz

Video - Baja la guardia - Santiago Cruz

Letra - Baja la guardia - Santiago Cruz

Si es preciso te recuerdo que no fué mi intención,
no haría nada para lastimarte,
voy aprendiendo a amarte paso a paso,
me equivoco porque a veces salto,
te digo... no fué mi intención

No sé cuántas veces puedas repararte la ilusión,
sé que te estás sintiendo muy herida
nunca he sabido como hacer las cosas,
colecciono amores y derrotas,
y hoy le doy nombre a tu dolor

Baja la guardia, traes hielo en la mirada,
sé que fuí yo quien tropezó ...

Todo lo que soy, todo lo que he vivido
ha sido el camino para estar contigo,
y si por éste error te me vas de la vida
firmas la sentencia de un alma perdida

Perdona corazón, no me eches a mi suerte,
para de llorar que yo no soy tan fuerte,
regrésame la luz con la que me mirabas,
dime que me perdonas ...

Si es preciso te recuerdo que no fué mi intención,
fuí presa de mis inseguridades
es mi puñal el que se hunde en tu carne,
mi conciencia naufraga en tu sangre,
te digo ... no fué mi intención

Baja la guardia, traes hielo en la mirada,
sé que fui yo quien tropezó ...

Todo lo que soy, todo lo que he vivido
ha sido el camino para estar contigo,
y si por éste error te me vas de la vida
firmas la sentencia de un alma perdida

Perdona corazón, no me eches a mi suerte,
para de llorar que yo no soy tan fuerte,
regrésame la luz con la que me mirabas,
dime que me perdonas ...

Todo lo que soy, todo lo que he vivido
ha sido el camino para estar contigo,
y si por éste error te me vas de la vida
firmas la sentencia de un alma perdida

Perdona corazón, no me eches a mi suerte,
para de llorar que yo no soy tan fuerte,
regrésame la luz con la que me mirabas,
dime que me perdonas ...

Dime que me perdonas ...

¿Qué opinas de la canción Baja la guardia - Santiago Cruz?

Tags: baja la guardia santiago cruz, santiago cruz baja la guardia, letra baja la guardia, youtube baja la guardia santiago cruz, baja la guardia, baja la guardia letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Cuando regreses Santiago Cruz

Video - Cuando regreses - Santiago Cruz

Letra - Cuando regreses - Santiago Cruz

No se que va a pasar cuando regreses..
cuando te vuelva a ver
no se si sentiremos aun lo mismo
con sus variantes incertidumbres el tiempo paso
solo espero que tu como yo

Todavia te mueras por estar conmigo
y te falte el aire cuando yo te mire
todavia te rias de mis tonterias
y que aun me sientas parte de tu vida

Todavia me muera por estar contigo
y que aun recuerde todos tus caminos
todavia me pierda entre tus fantasias
y que aun te sienta parte de mi vida

Solo espero que tu como yo sigamos

No se que va a pasar cuando regreses
y vuelva a estar frente a ti
si ves que nuestro caso esta perdido
no habra culpables no evites mirarme
el tiempo paso
solo espero que tu como yo

Todavia te mueras por estar conmigo
y te falte el aire cuando yo te mire
todavia te rias de mis tonterias
y que aun me sientas parte de tu vida
todavia me muera por estar contigo
y que aun recuerde todos tus caminos
todavia me pierda entre tus fantasias
y que aun te sienta parte de mi vida
solo espero que tu como yo sigamos
enamorados, enamorados (bis)

No se que va a pasar cuando regreses...

¿Qué opinas de la canción Cuando regreses - Santiago Cruz?

Tags: cuando regreses santiago cruz, santiago cruz cuando regreses, letra cuando regreses, youtube cuando regreses santiago cruz, cuando regreses, cuando regreses letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Y si te quedas que? Santiago Cruz

Video - Y Si Te Quedas Que? - Santiago Cruz

Letra - Y Si Te Quedas Que? - Santiago Cruz

Sé que estas cansada
que has tenido un día largo
y quieres apagar el mundo.

Sé que todo el día
he contado las horas
para tenerte cerca.

Sé que a veces piensas
que has equivocado
pasos en tu vida.

Sé que a veces pienso
que si no te tengo
para que mas pasos.

Sé que quiero que seas
lo primero que vea
cuando abra mis ojos.


Y si te quedas esta noche
y si me abrazas en la cama
y si encaramos por fin tantas ganas
de ser los testigos de nuestras mañanas.

Yo por mi parte estoy dispuesto
a desnudarte el pensamiento
a ser colono de cada rincón
ser tu roca y tu bien, tu final y comienzo.

Y si te quedas esta noche
y si te quedas qué?

Cuando cruces la puerta
deja atrás tus dudas
y tus remordimientos.

Para que pensar
si somos el capricho
de lo que sentimos.

Cuando te despiertes
y me veas sonriendo
va a tener sentido.

Todo el tiempo ido
que he desperdiciado
antes de estar contigo.

Solo quiero que seas
lo primero que vea
cuando abra mis ojos.


Y si te quedas esta noche
y si me abrazas en la cama
y si encaramos por fin tantas ganas
de ser los testigos de nuestras mañanas.

Yo por mi parte estoy dispuesto
a desnudarte el pensamiento
a ser colono de cada rincón
ser tu roca y tu bien, tu final y comienzo.

Y si te quedas esta noche
y si te quedas qué?
y si te exploro qué?
y si te entiendo qué?
y si te siento qué?


Y si te quedas esta noche
y si me abrazas en la cama
y si encaramos por fin tantas ganas
de ser los testigos de nuestras mañanas.

Yo por mi parte estoy dispuesto
a desnudarte el pensamiento
a ser colono de cada rincón
ser tu roca y tu bien, tu final y comienzo.

Y si te quedas esta noche
y si te quedas qué?
y si te quedas qué?
y si te quedas qué?

¿Qué opinas de la canción Y Si Te Quedas Que? - Santiago Cruz?

Tags: y si te quedas que santiago cruz, santiago cruz y si te quedas que, letra y si te quedas que, youtube y si te quedas que santiago cruz, y si te quedas que, y si te quedas que letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

London town Fito Paez

Video - London town - Fito Paez

Letra - London town - Fito Paez

Te perdiste en el huracán.
Viste cómo son las cosas.
Te aferras. Te aferras. Te aferras y,
el viento, te lleva igual.

Que los dioses te protejan donde vayas y que,
los santos, te cuiden en el mar.
El olvido, no perdona.
Viste cómo son las cosas.
Del polvo venimos. Andamos.
Después, todo al polvo va.

Yo no creo en volver a empezar.
Lo que un día ví, no lo veo más.
Veo una serpiente amarilla, violenta.
Se muerde la cola. Tanta estupidez, tanta vanidad.

Y, lo que fue hermoso, nunca más ya lo será.
Llueve y está gris. El sol ya vendrá.
Casi siempre, está nublando en London Town.
Y, así se pasan los años.

Viste cómo son las cosas.
Volvemos. Volvemos. Volvemos, al fin,
al mismo lugar.
Mientras tanto, fumo un faso en London Town.

Ella dice que está bien. Él dice que está mal.
No se cansan nunca de actuar (de actuar esa misma pena)
Tanta estupidez, tanta vanidad.
Y, lo que fue hermoso, nunca más ya lo será.

Llueve y está gris. El sol ya vendrá.
Buena suerte, nene, desde London Town

¿Qué opinas de la canción London town - Fito Paez?

Tags: london town fito paez, fito paez london town, letra london town, youtube london town fito paez, london town, london town letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Meu Menino, Minha Menina Luan Santana ft Belinda

Video - Meu Menino, Minha Menina - Luan Santana ft Belinda

Letra - Meu Menino, Minha Menina - Luan Santana ft Belinda

O que é que você viu em mim?

No me preguntes porqué no sé!
De repente me sentí así,
Enamorada por ti!

Mas a gente pouco se falou,
Foi coisa tão profissional.

Yo concuerdo contigo y
Creo que eso no es normal!

De repente você me liga,
Diz coisas lindas de amor
Eu confesso que adorei,
e que foi a primeira vez
Que alguém me encantou!

Tu manera, tu sonrisa
Tu aparencia de niño que me agrada
Tu encanto, tu pedido.
Y tu voz avergonzada al disculparte
Tu timidez me encanta, y te voy a confesar
Que el deseo de que me llames me asusta!

Seu jeito, seu sorriso
Sua forma de menina de me agradar.
Seu charme, seu pedido.
Sua voz tão constrangida ao se desculpar.
Sua timidez me encanta, e eu vou te confessar
Que a ânsia de esperar você ligar me assusta!

¿Qué opinas de la canción Meu Menino, Minha Menina - Luan Santana ft Belinda?

Tags: meu menino minha menina luan santana y belinda, luan santana y belinda meu menino minha menina, letra meu menino minha menina, youtube meu menino minha menina luan santana y belinda, meu menino minha menina, meu menino minha menina letraGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Love Slayer Joe Jonas

Love Slayer - Joe Jonas (letra y video)

I came to do my dance
I'm 'bout to touch the town
I came to lift my hands
I came to shut this thing down

I came to do my dance
I'm 'bout to touch the town
I came to lift my hands
I came to shut this thing down, down, down

Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I want more of it
Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I think I love it

[Joe Jonas]
She's a killa! Straight up, no feelings, uh-huh
If you ain?t heard about here, she?s a stone cold dream stealer, uh-huh
Love slayer, most likely I'll be on my worse behavior, oh ooh
She'll love you up all night but I'm ready to stay up
I'm just came to!

I came to do my dance
I'm 'bout to touch the town
I came to lift my hands
I came to shut this thing down

Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I want more of it
Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I think I love it

Hear, banger
Better beware of danger, ahhh
I hope you like getting on the wild side, cause she?s no stranger
Love slayer, most likely I?ll be on my worst behavior, oh ooh
She'll love you up all night but I'm ready to stay up
I'm just came to!

I came to do my dance
I'm 'bout to touch the town
I came to lift my hands
I came to shut this thing down

Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I want more of it
Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I think I love it

And all of my friends, they tried to warn me
They told me she would hurt me
But I gotta be, yeah, I gotta be,
I gotta be the life of the party
Told my friends that she won?t hurt me,
I'm in control, don?t worry
She's known to be, she's known to be,
Yeah, She's known to be a

Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
And I want more of it
Love slayer, causing nothing but trouble, babe
Love slayer, Love slayer, Love slayer

I came to do my dance
I'm 'bout to touch the town
I came to lift my hands
I came to shut this thing downGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Year of 4 Beyoncé

Year of 4 - Beyoncé (letra y video)

Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

All Of The Lights Kanye West, Rihanna y Kid Cudi

All Of The Lights - Kanye West, Rihanna y Kid Cudi (letra y video)

Turn up the lights in here baby
Extra bright, I want y’all to see this
Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need
Want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights

(all of the lights)

Fast cars, shooting stars
(all of the lights, all of the lights)
Until it’s Vegas everywhere we are
(all of the lights, all of the lights)

If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life
If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life

[Kanye West]
Something wrong
I hold my head
MJ gone…our n-gga dead!
I slapped my girl, she called the feds
I did that time and spent that bread
I’m heading home, I’m almost there
I’m on my way, heading up the stairs
To my surprise, a n-gga replacing me
I had to take ‘em to that ghetto university

All of the lights
Cop lights, flash lights, spot lights
Strobe lights, street lights
(all of the lights, all of the lights)
Fast life, drug life
Thug life, rock life
Every night
(all of the lights)

Turn up the lights in here, baby
Extra bright, I want y’all to see this
Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need, want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights

[Kanye West]
Restraining order
Can’t see my daughter
Her mother, brother, grandmother hate me in that order
Public visitation
We met at Borders
Told her she take me back
I’ll be more supportive
I made mistakes
I bump my head
Courts suck me dry
I spent that bread
She need a daddy
Baby please, can’t let her grow up in that ghetto university

All of the lights
Cop lights, flash lights, spot lights

Strobe lights, street lights
(all of the lights, all of the lights)
Fast life, drug life
Thug life, rock life
Every night
(all of the lights)

Turn up the lights in here, baby
Extra bright, I want y’all to see this
Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need, want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights

[Kid Cudi]
Getting mine, baby
Gotta let these n-ggas know, yeah
Get it right, ay
You should go and get your own

Getting mine, baby
Gotta let these n-ggas know, yeah
Get it right, ay
You should go and get your own

Unemployment line, credit card declined
Did I not mention I was about to lose my mind?
(my mind, my mind, my mind)
And also was about to do that line
Okay, okay, you know we going all the way this time
(this time, this time, this time)
We going all the way this time
(time, time, time, time)
We going all the way this time

We going all the way this time
We going all the way this time

Turn up the lights in here, baby
Extra bright, I want y’all to see this
Turn up the lights in here, baby
You know what I need, want you to see everything
Want you to see all of the lights

[Alicia Keys]

[Elton John]
I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhh

[Alicia Keys]

[Elton John]
I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhh

[Alicia Keys]
I tried to tell you but all I could say is ohhhh Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

My Last Big Sean

My Last - Big Sean (letra y video)

Hands up in the air
I just want the
I just want the baddest bitch in the world
Right here on my lap

And I’mma hit this drink up like it’s my last
I’mma hit this night up like it’s my last
I’mma I’mma hmm hmm, like it’s my last (boi)
Swear I’mma, swear I’mma get it like
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all

Ok, now where that alcohol
You aint even got to ask
Cause I’mma drink it all like, like its my last
She a 7 in the face, but a 10 in the ass
She even look better by the end of my glass
See I just walked in fresher than the shirts off in
this muthf-cka
Ima need a bad broad to twirk off in this muthaf-cka
I’mma go hard till it hurts off in this muthaf-cka
I’mma ball so you gotta work off in this muthaf-cka
The work, and I can get you anything you want
I could, I could, I could put you on
See you look like Beyonce so do it like Beyon…
Do it like Beyonce and put it on Sean
Grind hard but a got a lot to show for it
Always had drive like I had to chauffeur it
My team’s so true we should get a camera crew
To follow us around and make a show for us

And I’mma hit this drink up like it’s my last
I’mma hit this night up like it’s my last
I’mma I’mma hmm hmm, like it’s my last (boi)
Swear I’mma, swear I’mma get it like
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all

Now, I’mma fill this glass up like it’s my last
I’mma do, do it, like its my last
I’mma spend this cash up like it’s my last
And I’mma make it last, like it’s my last
And I’m gone, can’t remember where I am
But she forget about her man when they tell her who I am
And they introduce my fan
Now she all up in space
All all up in my face like you remember who I am
Since I signed the con’, I’m Louie Vuitton shine
Up in Benny Han Han eating all the Wonton
Rose rose over a little Chandon
Put her hands down my pants now she rocking Sean John
Man I just ended up on everybody guestlist
I’m just doing better than what everybody projected
Knew that I’d be here so if you asked me how I feel
I’mma just tell you, its everything that I expected
Boi, boi

Hands up in the air
(One time for the West side, let me see them hands..)
Hands up in the air
(Two times if you love GOOD Music)
Hands up in the air
(And three times for the baddest chick in the World
who got her hands up in the air)
Hands up in the air

And I’mma hit this drink up like it’s my last
I’mma hit this night up like it’s my last
I’mma I’mma umm umm, like it’s my last (boi)
Swear I’mma, swear I’mma get it like
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all

Big ass bottles, Big Ice buckets
I work too hard to be ballin’ on a budget
Me and my people do it big out in public cause
Cause if you don’t do it big, you aint doing nothing

And I’mma hit this drink up like it’s my last
I’mma hit this night up like it’s my last
I’mma I’mma umm umm, like it’s my last (boi)
Swear I’mma, swear I’mma get it like
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all all
Like I never had it at all all all all, all all all allGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Shake Senora Pitbull, T pain y Sean Paul

Shake Senora - Pitbull, T-pain y Sean Paul (letra y video)

My girl got a big old booty, yeah
Your girl got little booty
My girl got a big old booty, yeah
Your girl got little booty
No, my girl got a big old booty, yeah
Your girl got little booty
Oh no, my girl got a big old booty, yeah
Your girl got little booty

Boy ... Shawty what's happenin'?
Girl let's get this thing rocking
You just bend it on over
I'll get behind and you can get mine
Jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Shake, shake senora, shake it left and right
Work, work, work senora, right into my right

Miami's in the house without a doubt
I'ma check away ... that they ever ...
I'm from the city where the women all real
Bodies all great, 36 24 38 ... but the body parts fake
Kill it, ... I run for your ... and the ass is off the chain
Hit that ... so hard she called 411 pain

Boy ... Shawty what's happenin'?
Girl let's get this thing rocking
You just bend it on over
I'll get behind and you can get mine
Jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Shake, shake senora, shake it left and right
Work, work, work senora, right into my right

Miami's in the house without a doubt
I'ma check away ... that they ever ...
Everything's in line that they ...about
Don't believe me, check the bank account
Been around the world like the sun
I've seen more breast than your new born son
Mommy's ass is off the chain, I'ma hit it so hard she gonna call 411 pain

Boy ... Shawty what's happenin'?
Girl let's get this thing rocking
You just bend it on over
I'll get behind and you can get mine
Jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Baby, let me see you jump in the line, shake your body on mine
Shake, shake senora, shake it left and right
Work, work, work senora, right into my right

1 little, 2 little, 3 little 4
5 little 6 little 7 little oh,
1 little, 2 little, 3 little 4
5 little 6 little 7 little oh,
1 little, 2 little, 3 little 4
5 little 6 little 7 little oh,

Boy ... Shawty what's happenin'?
Girl let's get this thing rocking
You just bend it on over
I'll get behind and you can get mine

Give it to me girly mama, I like that dolly mama
Give it to me girly mama, I like that dolly mama
Give it to me girly mama, I like that dolly mama
Give it to me girly mama, I like that
Shake, shake senora, shake it left and right
Work, work, work senora, right into my right
Dolly! Oh, oh,
1 little, 2 little, 3 little 4
5 little 6 little 7 little oh,
1 little, 2 little, 3 little 4
5 little 6 little 7 little oh.Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Novacane Frank Ocean

Novacane - Frank Ocean (letra y video)

I think i started something
i got what i wanted
did didn't i
can't feel nothing
even when i'm fucking
viagra popping
every single record
zero emotion
muted emotion
pitch corrected
computed emotion
i blame it on the model broad with the hollywood smile
stripper booty and rack like wow
brain like berkeley
met her at coachella
i went to see jigga

she went to see z-trip
i took a seat on the ice cold lawn
she handed me a ice blue bong
she said she wanna be dentist really badly
she's in school paying
for tuition doing porn in the valley
at least you working
but girl i can't feel my face
what are we smoking anyway
she said don't let the high goto waste
but can you taste a little taste of
baby baby
novacaine baby i want you
fuck me good
fuck me long
fuck me numb
love me now when i'm gone love me none
love me none love me none
numb numb numb numb

sink full of dishes
pacing in the kitchen
cocaine for breakfast
bed full of women
flip on a tripod
little red light on shooting
i'm feeling like
stanley kubrick
this is some visionary shit
been tryna film pleasure with my eyes wide shut
but it keeps on moving
i blame it on the
model broad with the hollywood smile
stripper booty with the rack like wow
i'll never forget ya
you put me on a feeling i never had
never had never had
and ever since
i've been tryna get it back pick it up and put it back
now i'm something like the chemist on campus
but there's no drug around
quite like what i found in you

i still can't feel my face
what am i smoking anyway
she said don't let the high go to waste
but can you tast a little taste of

baby baby
novacaine baby i want you
fuck me good
fuck me long
fuck me numb
love me now when i'm gone love me none
love me none love me none
numb numb numb numb
novacaine novacaine novacaine novacaine novacaine
for the pain for the pain for the pain for the pain for the pain
novacaine novacaine novacaine novacaine novacaine
for the pain for the pain
novacaine novacaine

pretty girls involved with me
making pretty love to me pretty
pity pity
all the pretty girls involved with me
making pretty love to me pretty
pity pity
i can't feel a thing
i can't feel
can't feel a thing
i can't feel a thing

can't feel feel feel feel her
i can't feel feel her
novacaine novacaine novacaine
i can't feel feel her
for the pain
for the pain
for the pain
i can't feel feel her
feel her feel her
novacaine novacaineGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

In The Dark DEV

In The Dark - DEV (letra y video)

On my waist, through my hair.
Think about it when you touch me there
Close my eyes, here you are
All alone dancing in the dark.

Tell me baby if it's wrong
To let my hands do what they want?
Late at night I pretend we are
Dance-dance-dan-dancing in the dark...

Dancing in the dark
Ooh la la.
Dancing in the dark

When you work on me,
Open my body up and do some surgery,
Now that you got me up
I wanna taste it
Taste it
And see those pocket aces.
I wanna see who you are.
I got a sex drive to push the start...

On my waist, through my hair.
Think about it when you touch me there.
Close my eyes, here you are
Dance-dance-dancing in the dark!

Ooh la la.
Dancing in the dark
Ooh la la.
Dancing in the dark

I love to flirt to see.
I'm only talking to you if you wanna surf my seas.
Now that you got me boy
You know you better spice it flavor it
Get it right; savor it
Wanna see who you are
I got a sex drive to push the start...

On my waist, through my hair.
Think about it when you touch me there.
Close my eyes, here you are
All alone dancing in the dark.

Tell me baby if it's wrong?
To let my hands do what they want.
Late at night I pretend we are
Dance-dance-dancing in the dark...

Ooh la la...

Tell me baby if it's wrong..
Ooh la la...
Dancing in the dark..
Ooh la la...
To let my hands do what they want.
Ooh la la...
Dancing in the dark!

(It's The Cataracs)

Ooh la la...Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Game Pot Of Gold y Chris Brown

Game - Pot Of Gold y Chris Brown (letra y video)

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
All this bright light is not for me
I close my eyes and imagine I'm home!
I miss the days when life was simple,
But if I never try to follow that rainbow
In search for the pot of gold!
Oh, oh, oh!
In search for the pot of gold!

... out there right now
About to have an extra ...
Searching for a pot of gold like a lepricon,
They say death comes in three, two next in line,
I lost a best friend for the second time.
Now I'm on the quest to find peace,
Still gotta carry my business ... when its ...
You don't understand, I'm misunderstood,
Get in the smoke two more hours, then I'm done for good.
So ten million records ain't mean the hood,
It's a cold world, everybody in the hood
And everybody doing time , staying here strong,
You still got a chance to let, even though you did wrong.

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
All this bright light is not for me
I close my eyes and imagine I'm home!
I miss the days when life was simple,
But if I never try to follow that rainbow
In search for the pot of gold!

Sometimes I try to do good,
But I just can't be!
It's hard to get myself to do things that ain't be.
You all should thank me,
But my haters try to send me home early,
But you came home to ...
I ain't a saint, Bee, I ain't Gaga,
I ain't the angel leader but I try harder.
I'm like light for my soldiers at war,
I sit back and watch the ashes on my Sedan fall.
... come home and ...

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
All this bright light is not for me
I close my eyes and imagine I'm home!
I miss the days when life was simple,
But if I never try to follow that rainbow
In search for the pot of gold!

Oh, see the thing about all of us,
We never know just what we find.

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
All this bright light is not for me
I close my eyes and imagine I'm home!
I miss the days when life was simple,
But if I never try to follow that rainbow
In search for the pot of gold!
Yeah! In search for the pot of gold.
Enviar "Pot Of Gold" tono al teléfonGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Bad Girl Girls' Generation

Bad Girl - Girls' Generation (letra y video)

Oh oh oh oh oh (x3)
Kanpeki na bad girl yo (x2)

Wata shi no secret shitte i ta nara
Anata ha sou kitto odoroku n ja nai?
Donna jidai mo kagayaku my style
Hokano dare ni mo mane deki nai wa
Kono himitsu

Oshie te ageru (oshie te ageru)
Hora mise te ageru alright
Mou kakugo deki teru? (mou kakugo deki teru?)
Sugu toriko ni naru (toriko ni naru)

Oh oh oh oh oh (x3)
Kanpeki na bad girl yo (x2)
So tell me what you wanna do?

Souzou ijou no feeling machigai nai desho?
Wata shi dake no rule futsuu ja iya na no
Muzukashiku nai wa sunao na dake
Anadora nai de yo tada tsui te ki te
Kono himitsu

Oshie te ageru (oshie te ageru)
Hora mise te ageru alright
Mou kakugo deki teru? (mou kakugo deki teru?)
Sugu toriko ni naru (toriko ni naru)

Oh oh oh oh oh (x3)
Kanpeki na bad girl yo (x2)

So tell me what you wanna do?
Boy what you wanted to do
So tell me what you wanna do?
Oh what you want to do boy
What you wanna want
Tell me what you want

Wata shi no secret shitte i ta nara
Anata ha sou kitto
Oshie te ageru
(oshie te ageru)
Hora mise te ageru alright
Mou kakugo deki teru?
(mou kakugo deki teru?)
Sugu toriko ni naru
Toriko ni naru

Oh oh oh oh oh (x3)
Kanpeki na bad girl yo (x4)Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Sou Eu Filipe Galvão (Fiuk)

Sou Eu - Filipe Galvão (Fiuk) (letra y video)

Tudo Bem, eu tô bem
Sem você, sem amor
Sem ninguém, para disfarçar a dor

E você eu já sei,
Que já tem outro alguém
Com você, para disfarçar a dor

Quero ver
Se você se arrepender
Você não vai esquecer
Pelo menos tão fácil assim

E o pior
É que o cara quer ser eu
Ele ainda não entendeu
No seu corpo
Só eu
Sou eu

Sou eu


O pensamento da manhã
Sou eu
De quem você é a fã
Sou eu
E quem sempre vai te amar
Sou eu
Ninguém tem esse lugar
Só eu

Só eu (2x)Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Armadura Niña Pastori

Armadura - Niña Pastori (letra y video)

Te doy lo que tengo y lo que no tengo
Yo salgo a buscarlo por mar y cielo
Me envuelvo en la brisa de tus suspiros
No canto canciones si no es contigo
Me envuelvo en las orillas de tu cama
Y espero a que llegue la mañana
Y me siento a pedir perdón
Así me siento yo

Una armadura de oro fino me voy a poner
Para que no me hagan daño, tus palabras son engaño
Una armadura de oro fino yo me voy a poner
Pensando en ti

Hay veces que presiento no tengo a nadie
Me siento tan sola y estas delante
Te busco, te llamo y no te siento
Te llevo tan dentro y no estás atento
Me siento como un pez fuera del agua
Que me ahogo en el mar de tus palabras
Y solo es lo que quieres ver
El mundo del revés

Una armadura de oro fino me voy a poner
Para que no me hagan daño, tus palabras son engaño (x2)
Una armadura de oro fino yo me voy a poner
Pensando en ti

Cuando estoy llena de alegría
Algo derramo por mis ojos
Y si me cantas y me bailas me olvido del mundo
Soy feliz

Una armadura de oro fino me voy a poner
Para que no me hagan daño, tus palabras son engaño (x2)
Una armadura de oro fino yo me voy a poner
Pensando en tiGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Pa los santos Niña Pastori

Pa los santos - Niña Pastori (letra y video)

solo pienso en ti me gusta tu manera de pensar
contigo solo quiero imaginar,
poder vivir en paz
desde que te vi, y en ese mismo instante comprendi
que tienes un lugar dentro de mí
no puedo estar sin tí

el tiempo pasa y todo se olvida
no digas nada todo es mentira
que los olores son pa los santos
vivo tranquilo y ando descalzo
digo verdades pero lastiman
y esa es la mirá de mi caballo y me va bien

solo pienso en ti me gusta tu manera de pensar
contigo solo quiero imaginar
poder vivir en paz
desde que te vi, y en ese mismo instante comprendi
que tienes un lugar dentro de mí
no puedo estar sin ti

y con el tiempo vas valorando
lo que mas quieres se te hace daño
tiene un lugar quien no lo merece
quien lo merece nunca lo tiene
pasan los años y vas olvidando
que son tus dias y tu calendario ya no vuelven...

solo pienso en ti me gusta tu manera de pensar
contigo solo quiero imaginar,
poder vivir en paz
desde que te vi, y en ese mismo instante comprendi
que tienes un lugar dentro de mí
no puedo estar sin tíGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

La orilla de mi pelo Niña Pastori

La orilla de mi pelo - Niña Pastori (letra y video)

Te deje, en la orilla de mi pelo,
y vagué, por un mundo pasajero,
entender, que la vida son dos dias
pero tu ya te has ido
y yo te echo de menos.
Y enredada en tu pelo...

Escuché la voz de un sabio y aprendí,
que la vida todo tiene un porqué,
cicatriza las heridas que hay en mi,
estando junto a ti.

Para que vivir si no tenemos fé,
y saber que rio suena para ti,
si mirando las estrellas eres feliz,
son todas para ti.

Te dejé, en la orilla de mi pelo
y vagué, en un mundo pasajero
entender, que la vida son dos dias
pero tu ya te has ido
y yo te echo de menos

Deshoja la rosa,
la tarde ya se esta muriendo
y no te tengo, moreno, pienso en tus
ojos negros y no veo tu cuerpo
y me muero, y me vuelvo..

Alli hojas secas,
y en un jarron se esta marchitando
la rosa que tengo, tu nombre
posa por mi pensamiento lento,
te llamo...moreno..

Te dejé, en la orilla de mi pelo,
y vagué, por un mundo pasajero,
entender, que la vida son dos dias
pero tu ya te has ido
y ya te echo de menos....
(2)Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Y para qué Niña Pastori

Y para qué - Niña Pastori (letra y video)

dejare que pase el tiempo
porque es sabio y es perfecto
va y coloca donde quiere
cada cosa en su momento
nunca deja que te escape
te da el sitio y el asiento
va deprisa, va despacio
va segun tu movimiento

no le temas al desprecio, si tu nunca despreciaste
no le temas a la mentira si jamas tú me engañaste
dejare que pase el tiempo

y para qué
vivir sin ilusiones
cantamos a la vida
bailando tus canciones (x2)

sacare piedras del agua y limpiare bien tu camino
para que nunca te lastimes cada vez que tu estes conmigo
nos bañamos en la orilla
y que feliz estoy contigo
somos dos almas gemelas
dios nos puso en el destino
porque tu eres la fuente donde beben mis sentios
donde beben mis sentios

y para qué
vivir sin ilusiones
cantamos a la vida
bailando tus canciones (x2)

si tu quieres cantar, deja que corra el aire
vive y deja vivir
mira siempre pa lante
si tu quieres bailar nunca mires atras (x2)Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Born To Be Somebody Justin Bieber

Born To Be Somebody - Justin Bieber (letra y video)

There's a dream in my soul
A fire that's deep inside me
There's a me no one knows
Waiting to be set free

I'm gonna see that day
I can feel it, I can taste it
Change is come my way

I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothin' that's ever gonna stop me
I'll light up the sky like lightning
I'm gonna rise above
Show 'em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be...
And this world will belong to me

This life can kick you around (woah)
This world can make you feel small (wooh)
They will not keep me down (woah)
I was born to stand tall
I'm goin' all the way
I can feel it, I believe it
I'm here, I'm here to stay

I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothin' that's ever gonna stop me
I'll light up the sky like lightning
I'm gonna rise above
Show 'em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be...
And this world will belong to me

Feel it
Believe it
Dream it
Be it

I was born to be somebody
Ain't nothin' that's ever gonna stop me
I'll light up the sky like lightning
I'm gonna rise above
Show 'em what I'm made of
I was born to be somebody
I was born to be...
And this world will belong to me

Oh, oh, oh, oh
And this world will belong to me
Ye-ah, ye-ah, ooh
And this world will belong to meGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Runaway love Remix Justin Bieber y Kanye West, Raekwon

Runaway love Remix - Justin Bieber y Kanye West, Raekwon (letra y video)

Visual visual JB
Yo ?Ye whattup

You got stacks like the international house of
All alone ready to phone me and your hand shakes
Palms is wetted (?)
Never the walk miles for love I sit at starters deck
It just happen I was floating you seen it cathy
Blinked at me then I threw on my thinking cap
Take her, then we can slide to Jamaica
Shopping for a year or two stop in Diego
It's obvious I'm gon sue your mommies
We just friends so she can't Clyde Bonnie us
Fly walls down in the fly halls
Come to the master suite leave every piece in the
All about money tied a knot stand over there
That's why I make it happen on blocks
Brazil cut sweater, Audi, leather
Playing the field tryna outslug Berretta

[Justin Bieber]
You see my baby over hit the road,
Where she's going I swear nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn't want him to steal my love

I'm just tryin to be cool, cool, cool
(tryn'a be cool)
What would you exepct me to do
I'm just tryin to find, find, find
That sweet love of mine

I'm runnin outta time
Where is my runaway love
Searching low and high
Know that I'm not givin' up

I give it all up for her
I'll never be enough
I won't stop until I find
My runaway love

[Kanye West]
Last name West and my teeth Diamonds
She said yo wish ya could place your crazy rhyming
Listen to Wu Tang
Trying crazy suits on (?)
Stuntin' in our high top Louie's
Shorts is the coogies
Open up the door when you take her to the movies
When you meet the parents you tell De Niro
Her boyfriend is zero she needs to cut the wierdo
Next show they gotta up the zeroes
Nobody rocking like this 60 years old
The hard johns and the walleys something caught me
I'm telling you what Wu-Tang taught me
The young youth rocking the gold tooth
Pull up in a drop top old school bumping the cash
No question we the reason why the summers blazin
You looking good fly colour asian
Ra I give it yo ya, no trivia
She used to roll with my G-Unit like Olivia
Till she caught me getting numbers not her's
Guess that's the day she became a runaway love

[Justin Bieber]
I'm runnin outta time
Where is my runaway love
Searching low and high
Know that I'm not givin' up

I give it all up for her
I'll never be enough
I won't stop until I find
My runaway love

Why can't I find, love of mine,
When you're standing in front of my face
Oh, why, you must be mine
How did I let you get away

Leave it up to the most high sit in a ghost fly
Chillin' with 2 of my brothers we both live on deck
Grabbing em on set
This is how we roll independants she a go I'm gon go
Take that queen assure to ya
We can live it up every month baby girl just call me
Waking up mess in some cold sweats thinking of these
video tapes
Even the stress
My mind is a terrible thing to waste
No love lost I know I'm going crazy
I can't floss
Me my lady left my homies
It's all baloney just like rocking an old pony
So when I chillin I'm just lost no more feeling
I need my honey in my life get that film it
Take the time Rae just and Ye shine
My runaway love give me mine come on

[Justin Bieber]
I'm runnin outta time
Where is my runaway love
Searching low and high
Know that I'm not givin' up

I give it all up for her
I'll never be enough
I won't stop until I find
My runaway love

I'm runnin outta time
Where is my runaway love
Searching low and high
Know that I'm not givin' up

I give it all up for her
I'll never be enough
I won't stop until I find
My runaway love

Why can't I find, the love of mine,
When you're standing in front of my face
Oh, yeah, you must be mine
How did I let you get awayGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Overboard Justin Bieber y Miley Cyrus

Overboard - Justin Bieber y Miley Cyrus (letra y video)

It feels like we've been out at sea, whoa
So back and forth that's how it seems, whoa
And when i wanna talk you say to me
That if it's meant to be it will be
Whoa oh no
So crazy is this thing we call love
And now that we've got it we just can't give up
I'm reaching out for you
Got me out here in the water
And i

I'm overboard
And i need your love
Pull me up
I can't swim on my own
It's too much
Feels like i'm drowning without your love
So throw yourself out to me
My lifesaver
(lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
My lifesaver
(lifesaver, oh lifesaver), whoa

I never understood you when you'd say, whoa
Wanted me to meet you halfway, whoa
Felt like i was doing my part
You kept thinking you were coming up short
It's funny how things change cause now i see
Oh whoa
So crazy is this thing we call love
And now that we've got it we just can't give up
I'm reaching out for you
Got me out here in the water
And i

I'm overboard (overboard)
And i need your love
Pull me up
I can't swim on my own
It's too much (it's too much)
Feels like i'm drowning (ohh)
Without your love
So throw yourself out to me
My lifesaver

Oh, it's supposed to be some give and take i know
But you're only taking and not giving anymore
So what do i do
Cause i still love you
(i still love you baby)
And you're the only one who can save me

Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh

I'm overboard
And i need your love
Pull me up (pull me up)
I can't swim on my own
It's too much (it's too much)
Feels like i'm drowning without your love
(i'm drowning baby, i'm drowning)
So throw yourself out to me
(i can't swim)
My lifesaver

(lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
My lifesaver
It's crazy crazy crazy
(lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
Lifesaver oh
(lifesaver, oh lifesaver)
My lifesaver
(lifesaver, oh lifesaver)Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Heart's All Gone Blink 182

Heart's All Gone - Blink 182 (letra y video)

Take off the gloves
We fell in love by the side of the road
This desert will break you down
The veins you cut
Your smoking tongue is the end of us all
But you only care about
Fame and fortune
Watching others tortured
Casting your reflection
Grocery store perfection
This is the last time
Sent to the front line
With dirty boots on the ground
You said i'll make this all mine

You seemed so sweet at the start but the start's all wrong
You say you speak from your heart but your heart's all gone

Blackjack and architect
Let's drink ourselves to death
The crimes of everyone
Passed down from father to son
Hopeless and destitute
Destroyed my gratitude
Your strongest lines of defense
Are all just self-inflicted woundsGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Charlie Brown Coldplay

Charlie Brown - Coldplay (letra y video)

I stole a key,
Took a car downtown where the lost boys meet,
I took a car downtown and took what they offered me.
To set me free,
I saw the lights go down at the end of the scene,
I saw the lights go down and they're standing in front of me.

My scarecrow dreams,
When they smashed my heart into smitharines,
I be a bright red rose come bursting the concrete.
Be the cartoon heart,
Light a fire, light a spark,
Light a fire, a flame in my heart.
We'll run wild,
We'll be glow-in-the-dark.

All the boys, all the girls,
All the mess in the world
All the boys, all the girls,
All the mess that occurs.
All the high's, all the low's,

We'll run wild,
We'll start glowing-in-the-dark.

So we'll run wild,
We'll be glow-in-the-dark.Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Wet Nicole Scherzinger

Wet - Nicole Scherzinger (letra y video)

I feel like everybody's standing around me watching me now
I feel like whatever I do tonight would be the talk of the town
They wanna know how I'm gonna move my body
When the beat goes
'Cause something comes over me
When the beat goes


Well, Imma rip my clothes off
Take a leap and surf through the crowd
Yeah, yeah
Drippin' down my neck
Soakin' wet
Sink or swim or you drown
Yeah, yeah
Let's get a little wet
I like the way you?re workin? me out
Let's get a little wet
I like the way you?re workin? me out

Body's getting super hot
Feels like a hundred degrees
I'm waitin' for a man with the fan
Who can give me a breeze
If you touch me there
Please beware you can start up a fire
I don't mind if you take me home
Cool me off in the shower


Well, Imma rip my clothes off
Take a leap and surf through the crowd
Yeah, yeah
Drippin' down my neck
Soakin' wet
Sink or swim or you drown
Yeah, yeah
Let's get a little wet
I like the way you?re workin? me out
Let's get a little wet
I like the way you?re workin? me out


I love it when the heat from the beat melts me to the ground
I love it when it gets so wet starts tricklin' down
This beat is filthy dirty
I feel it all over me
Yeah e-yeah


Well, Imma rip my clothes off
Take a leap and surf through the crowd
Yeah, yeah
Drippin' down my neck
Soakin' wet
Sink or swim or you drown
Yeah, yeah
Let's get a little wet
I like the way you?re workin? me out
Let's get a little wet
I like the way you?re workin? me outGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Mais Uma Dose Joao Bosco y Vinicius

Mais Uma Dose - Joao Bosco y Vinicius (letra y video)

Mais uma dose porque ela não vem
Será meu destino ficar sem ninguém
Mais uma dose, eu quero esquecer
A mulher que eu amo só me faz sofrer

São noites em claro e os dias passando
Em meus devaneios eu vou respirando

Meu grito é o silêncio na dor de amar alguém
A ponto de esperar por uma vida inteira sem saber se ela vem
Pra valer a pena o tanto que eu esperei pelo amor dessa mulher
Quero mais uma dose hoje ela não vem

Mais uma dose porque ela não vem
Será meu destino ficar sem ninguém
Mais uma dose, eu quero esquecer
A mulher que eu amo só me faz sofrer

São noites em claro e os dias passando
Em meus devaneios eu vou respirando

Meu grito é o silêncio na dor de amar alguém
A ponto de esperar por uma vida inteira sem saber se ela vem
Pra valer a pena o tanto que eu esperei pelo amor dessa mulher
Quero mais uma dose hoje ela não vemGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Dia de Sorte Joao Bosco y Vinicius

Dia de Sorte - Joao Bosco y Vinicius (letra y video)

Eu esperei tanto por esse dia
De te ver voltar pra mim trazendo a minha alegria
Deus, somente deus sabe tudo que passei
Com a sua ausência que em quantas noites eu chorei

Ele atendeu a minha oração
Hoje é o meu dia de sorte
Ele te devolveu pro meu coração

Não teve um dia que eu não pensei em você
E não fechei os olhos pra poder te ver
E pra sentir teu cheiro
Abracei forte o travesseiro

Não teve um dia que eu não senti saudade
Nenhuma noite que não fiquei na vontade
Te beijar teu beijo
Desejar o teu desejo.

Eu esperei tanto por esse dia...Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Quem Dá As Cartas Sou Eu Joao Bosco y Vinicius

Quem Dá As Cartas Sou Eu - Joao Bosco y Vinicius (letra y video)

Meu bem você nunca pensou
Que eu fosse aprender a jogar seu jogo
Que pena você se enganou

Pensou que podia fazer de tudo
Até me isolar do mundo
Que pena você vacilou

Você não ligava pro meu sentimento
Jogava a todo momento
As cartas desse nosso amor

Mas eu dei a volta por cima e acordei
E esse seu jogo eu ganhei
Que é pra você dar mais valor

Meu bem no jogo do amor
Quem dá as cartas sou eu
Sou eu, sou eu, sou eu...

Meu bem no jogo do amor
Quem dá as cartas sou eu
Sou eu, sou eu, sou eu...Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Porque Fui Te Amar Assim Joao Bosco y Vinicius

Porque Fui Te Amar Assim - Joao Bosco y Vinicius (letra y video)

Sei que te perdi, dessa vez pra nunca mais
Eu que te sonhava, hoje já não durmo mais
Você se fez tão grande aqui dentro de mim
Foi meu tudo, meu começo e hoje é nada, é meu fim
Eu já nem me reconheço sem você perto de mim
Eu não sei porque que eu fui te amar assim
Eu não sei porque que eu fui te amar assim

Te amei demais, você não entendeu
Te dei meu sonho e você não me deu
Só quero a chance de te falar, contar uns sonho meu
Me dei de corpo, alma e coração
Peguei o sol e pus em suas mãos
Você deixou, então o sol se foi e veio a escuridãoGracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Louca Sentimental Joao Bosco y Vinicius

Louca Sentimental - Joao Bosco y Vinicius (letra y video)

Seu temperamento não é normal
As vezes louca, as vezes sentimental
Mas não importa nada disso, mesmo assim te amo!

Nossas brigas não duram nem meia hora
Esse estranho amor me controla
Mas chorando a noite inteira é teu nome que eu chamo!

Suas atitudes inesperadas
Recheadas com surpresas engraçadas
Me arrancam sorrisos

Mas quando vem a madrugada
Aí então não penso em mais nada
Vejo você no paraíso

Na tentativa de te esquecer
Vou me perdendo sem perceber
E eu te coloquei no fundo do meu coração

Na tentativa de te esquecer
Vou me perdendo sem perceber
Que mergulhei fundo demais nessa paixão.Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

Quero Paz Joao Bosco y Vinicius

Quero Paz - Joao Bosco y Vinicius (letra y video)

Você é confusa, tão indecisa
As vezes chora, as vezes ama, as vezes briga

Você faz tudo errado, tudo bagunçado
E nesse circo já não passo de um palhaço

Já não aguento mais o clima dessa relação
Por isso escute bem o que eu vou te falar
Preste muita atenção!

Eu faço tudo e você diz que tudo é pouco
Meu deus do céu eu já esou ficando louco

Eu quero paz, quero distância de você
Meu deus do céu onde você tá com a cabeça

Toma juízo antes que eu te esqueça
Eu quero paz, quero viver!Gracias Por Tu Visita , Letras, Lyrics Videos Traducciones

"Nobody's Perfect" Jessie J Letra Traducida

Jessie J describió este tema en una entrevista con The Sun como “uno de los más sinceros y primarios del disco Who You Are, cada vez que lo canto revivo el momento sobre el que lo compuse. En la música creo que es tan importante exponer tus defectos o errores como tus cosas positivas, como dice la canción: nadie es perfecto, ¡desde luego que yo no!”

El vídeo empieza con estas frases en off:

“If you look closely 
the eye picks up more than you think
a simple blur becomes something
A light becomes a shape
a word becomes colorful”
(Look into my eyes)
“Si miras detenidamente
el ojo capta más de lo que crees
una simple imagen borrosa 
se convierte en algo
Una luz se convierte en una forma
un mundo se llena de colores”
(Mírame a los ojos)

Letra de “Nobody's Perfect” Jessie J  

When I'm nervous
I have this thing, yeah, I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone
anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to fuck up
Yeah, I forget about the consequences
for a minute there I lose my senses
And in the heat of the moment
my mouth starts going
the words start flowing, I...

But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learn to
Treat the people I love
like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learnt
I hate that I let you down
and I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
‘cause now
I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
that the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
‘Cause nobody's perfect, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
nobody’s perfect, no

If I could turn back the hands of time
I swear I never would have crossed that line
I should have kept it between us
but Jessie went and told the whole world
you’ve just seen and oh! So I sit and I realise
with these tears falling from my eyes
I gotta change if I wanna
keep you forever
I promise that I'm gonna try
traducción de transmusiclation
But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learn to
Treat the people I love
like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learnt
and I hate that I let you down
and I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
‘cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
that the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
‘Cause nobody's perfect, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
nobody’s perfect, no
No, no, no, no, no, no...

I’m not a saint, no, not at all
but what I did that wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never
do that again to you, hey!
I'm not a saint, no, not at all
but what I did that wasn't cool
But I swear that I’ll never
do that again to you

And I hate that I let you down
and I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
‘cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
that that the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
‘Cause nobody's perfect, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, nobody’s perfect

“Nobody's Perfect” traducida - Jessie J
(Nadie es perfecto)

Cuando estoy nerviosa
tengo esto, sí, que hablo demasiado
a veces es que no puedo
cerrar la maldita boca
es como que necesito decírselo a alguien
a cualquiera que escuche
y ahí es donde al parecer la cago
sí, me olvido de las consecuencias
durante un minuto pierdo el juicio
y en un momento de exaltación
mi boca empieza a soltar
las palabras empiezan a fluir, yo...

Pero yo nunca quise hacerte daño
sé que ya es hora de que aprenda a
tratar a la gente que quiero
como quiero que me quieran
Ésta es una lección aprendida
odio haberte decepcionado
y me siento muy mal por ello
supongo que el karma se te devuelve
porque ahora soy yo quien hace daño, sí
Y odio haberte hecho creer
que la confianza que teníamos se ha roto
así que no me digas
que no puedes perdonarme
porque nadie es perfecto, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
nadie es perfecto, no

Si pudiera mover hacia atrás
las manecillas del reloj
juro que nunca habría cruzado esa línea
debería haberlo mantenido entre nosotros
pero Jessie fue y se lo contó al mundo entero
lo has visto y... oh! Así que me siento y
me doy cuenta
con estas lágrimas cayéndome de los ojos
que tengo que cambiar si quiero
conservarte para siempre
te prometo que voy a intentarlo
traducción de transmusiclation
Pero nunca quise hacerte daño
sé que llegó el momento de que aprenda a
tratar a la gente que quiero
como quiero que me quieran
Ésta es una lección aprendida
odio haberte decepcionado
y me siento muy mal por ello
supongo que el karma se te devuelve
porque ahora soy yo quien hace daño, sí
Y odio haberte hecho creer
que la confianza que teníamos se ha roto
así que no me digas
que no puedes perdonarme
porque nadie es perfecto, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, no
 nadie es perfecto, no
No, no, no, no, no, no...

No soy una santa, no, en absoluto
pero lo que hice no estuvo bien
pero juro que no volveré
a hacerte eso jamás, eh!
No soy una santa, no, en absoluto
pero lo que hice no estuvo bien
pero juro que no volveré
a hacerte eso jamás

Y odio haberte decepcionado
y me siento muy mal por ello
supongo que el karma se te devuelve
porque ahora soy yo quien hace daño, sí
Y odio haberte hecho creer
que la confianza que teníamos se ha roto
así que no me digas
que no puedes perdonarme
porque nadie es perfecto, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, nadie es perfecto

Información adicional orientativa:
Texto traducido (no exacto): 501 palabras a 0,05 € c/u. equivaldría a 25,05€.
Tu donativo, por pequeño que sea, será una buena obra para la causa.
(Más abajo encontrarás la manera de hacer llegar tu ayuda)
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"The Edge Of Glory" Lady Gaga Letra Traducida

Recordando la pérdida de su abuelo en 2010 durante una entrevista en Google Goes Gaga, la cantante reveló que compuso esta canción en un emotivo momento al piano con su padre: “Mi padre y yo íbamos a ir a despedirle a la residencia y saqué una gran cosa de agave de tequila y mi padre se sentó a mi lado al piano; empezamos a tomar chupitos uno tras otro y compuse 'The Edge Of Glory' al piano, mi padre y yo lloramos”.
Lady Gaga explicó el significado de la letra durante otra entrevista para E! News: “La canción va de que cuando veo morir a mi abuelo, creo que mira a mi abuela y me doy cuenta de que él fue un triunfador en la vida y eso es porque fue capaz de llegar al borde de la gloria que representa estar al filo de ese momento glorioso”.No obstante, Lady Gaga comentó a Howard Stern en una entrevista que la canción no sólo trata de la pérdida de su abuelo, sino que además trata sobre el hecho de disfrutar de la vida mientras la vivimos: “También va de saber de corazón que puede que nunca alcances ese glorioso momento hasta que te mueras, así que vive la vida en el borde, al filo —a medio camino entre el cielo y el infierno— y bailemos todos en el medio, en el purgatorio”.

Letra de “The Edge Of Glory” Lady Gaga Lyrics

There ain't no reason
you and me should be alone tonight
yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
I got a reason that you should
take me home tonight

I need a man that thinks
it's right when it's so wrong
Tonight, yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
Right on the limits where we know
we both belong tonight

It's hard to feel the rush
To push the dangerous
I'm gonna run right to
To the edge with you
Where we can both fall more in love
traducción de transmusiclation
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I’m on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge
the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot before
we kiss the other side
Tonight, yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
I'm on the edge of something
final we collide tonight (alright, alright)

Put on your shades 'cause
I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight, yeah baby, tonight, yeah baby
It isn't hell if everybody knows my name
tonight (alright, alright)

It's hard to feel the rush
To push the dangerous
I'm gonna run right to
to the edge with you
Where we can both fall more in love
traducción de transmusiclation
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I’m on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge,
the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I’m on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge
the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you

I'm on the edge with you, with you
with you, with you, with you
I'm on the edge with you, with you
with you, with you, with you
I'm on the edge with you, with you
with you, with you, with you
I'm on the edge with you, with you
with you, with you, with you

“The Edge Of Glory” traducida - Lady Gaga
(El borde de la gloria)

No existe razón alguna por la que
tú y yo debamos estar solos esta noche
Sí, cariño, esta noche, sí cariño
Yo tengo un motivo por el que deberías
llevarme a casa esta noche

Necesito un hombre que crea
que está bien cuando está muy mal
esta noche, sí cariño, esta noche, sí cariño
Justo en los límites a los que sabemos
que tú y yo pertenecemos esta noche

Es duro sentir la emoción
de tantear lo peligroso
voy a correr directamente hacia...
hacia el borde contigo
donde ambos podamos
caer aún más enamorados
traducción de transmusiclation
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento de verdad
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento contigo
Estoy en el borde, el borde, el borde
el borde, el borde, el borde, el borde
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento contigo
Estoy en el borde contigo

Otro trago antes de que
besemos el otro lado
esta noche, sí cariño, esta noche, sí cariño
Estoy al filo de algo definitivo
chocamos esta noche (muy bien, muy bien)

Ponte las gafas de sol porque
estaré bailando entre las llamas
esta noche, sí cariño, esta noche, sí cariño
no será un infierno
si todo el mundo conoce mi nombre
esta noche (muy bien, muy bien)

Es duro sentir la emoción
de tantear lo peligroso
voy a correr directamente hacia...
hacia el borde contigo
donde ambos podamos
caer aún más enamorados
traducción de transmusiclation
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento de verdad
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento contigo
Estoy en el borde, el borde, el borde
el borde, el borde, el borde, el borde
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento contigo
Estoy en el borde contigo

Estoy en el borde contigo
Estoy en el borde contigo

Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento de verdad
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento contigo
Estoy en el borde, el borde, el borde
el borde, el borde, el borde, el borde
Estoy en el borde de la gloria
y me aferro a un momento contigo

Estoy en el borde contigo, contigo
contigo, contigo, contigo
Estoy en el borde contigo, contigo
contigo, contigo, contigo
Estoy en el borde contigo, contigo
contigo, contigo, contigo
Estoy en el borde contigo, contigo
contigo, contigo, contigo

Información adicional orientativa:
Texto traducido (no exacto): 420 palabras a 0,05 € c/u. equivaldría a 21,00€.
Tu donativo, por pequeño que sea, será una buena obra para la causa.
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"In Your Eyes" Kylie Minogue Letra Traducida


“In Your Eyes” traducida - Kylie Minogue
(En tu mirada)

¿Qué mierda se supone que debo hacer
[si] en este sitio abarrotado sólo estás tú?
Me iba a ir, ahora tengo que quedarme
me has dejado sin habla
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
¿Está el mundo dando vueltas todavía?
(dando vueltas)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
No tengo ganas de que me pase el efecto

Está en tu mirada
puedo decir lo que estás pensando
mi corazón también se está hundiendo
no es ninguna sorpresa
últimamente te he estado observando
quiero hacerlo contigo
traducción de transmusiclation
Es gracioso el destino
cuando viene y se lleva
todas tus preocupaciones
no puedo pensar en otra cosa
que en el bonito estado
en el que me encuentro
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
¿Está el mundo dando vueltas todavía?
(dando vueltas)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
No tengo ganas de que me pase el efecto

Está en tu mirada
puedo decir lo que estás pensando
mi corazón también se está hundiendo
no es ninguna sorpresa
últimamente te he estado observando
quiero hacerlo contigo
(contigo, contigo...)
quiero hacerlo contigo
(contigo, contigo...)

Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
¿Está el mundo dando vueltas todavía?
(dando vueltas)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
No tengo ganas de que
se me pase el efecto

Está en tu mirada
puedo decir lo que estás pensando
mi corazón también se está hundiendo
no es ninguna sorpresa
últimamente te he estado observando
quiero hacerlo contigo
traducción de transmusiclation
Está en tu mirada
puedo decir lo que estás pensando
mi corazón también se está hundiendo
no es ninguna sorpresa
últimamente te he estado observando
quiero hacerlo contigo

Está en tu mirada
puedo decir lo que estás pensando
mi corazón también se está hundiendo
no es ninguna sorpresa
últimamente te he estado observando
quiero hacerlo contigo

Está en tu mirada

Letra de “In Your Eyes” Kylie Minogue Lyrics

What on earth am I meant to do
In this crowded place
there is only you?
Was gonna leave, now
I have to stay
You have taken my breath away
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
Is the world still spinning around?
(spinning around)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
I don't feel like coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you
traducción de transmusiclation
Destiny has a funny way
When it comes and takes
all your cares away
I can't think of a single thing
Other than what a beautiful
state I'm in
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
Is the world still spinning around?
(spinning around)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
I don't feel like coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you
(with you, with you...)
I want to make it with you
(with you, with you...)

Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
Is the world still spinning around?
(spinning around)
Ooh ooh ooh oooh ooh ooh
I don't feel like coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you
traducción de transmusiclation
It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

It's in your eyes

Información adicional orientativa:
Texto traducido (no exacto): 306 palabras a 0,05 € c/u. equivaldría a 15,30€.
Tu donativo, por pequeño que sea, será una buena obra para la causa.
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"This Boy" James Morrison Letra Traducida

Tema perteneciente al primer álbum (titulado Undiscovered) del cantante y compositor inglés James Morrison. El disco salió al mercado el 31 de julio de 2006 en el Reino Unido.

Letra de “This Boy” James Morrison  

This boy wants to play
There's no time left today
It's a shame 'cause he has to go home

This boy's got to work
Got to sweat just to pay
what he gets to get left all alone

Well let's step outside
Let's go for a ride
Just for a while
No we won't get caught
Well that's what I thought until we cry

I'm still here, but it hasn't been easy
I'm sure that you had your reasons
I'm scared for this emotion
For years I've been holding it down
For years I've been holding it down
traducción de transmusiclation
This girl tries her best everyday
But it's all gone to waste
'cause there's no one around
This girl she can draw she can paint
Likes to dance she can skate
Now she don't make a sound

We'll play in our park
'Till it's too dark for us to see
Well we'll make our way home
With mud on our clothes
She won't be pleased

I'm still here, but it hasn't been easy
I'm sure that you had your reasons
I'm scared for this emotion
For years I've been holding it down

And I love to forgive and forget
So I try to put all this behind us
Just know that my arms are wide open
The older I get, the more that I know
Well it's time to let this go

I got to let it go, oh...
I got to let it go
I got to let it go
I got to let it go oh!

I'm still here, but it hasn't been easy
I'm sure that you had your reasons
I'm scared for this emotion
For years I've been holding it down
traducción de transmusiclation
And I love to forgive and forget
So I try to put all this behind us
Just know that my arms are wide open
The older I get, the more that I know

And I love to forgive and forget
So I try to put all this behind us
Just know that my arms are wide open
The older I get, the more that I know
Well it's time to let this go...

“This Boy” traducida - James Morrison
(Este chico)

Este chico quiere jugar
hoy ya no queda tiempo
es una lástima porque
él tiene que ir a casa

Este chico tiene que trabajar
tiene que sudar sólo para pagar
lo que recibe para que
le dejen totalmente en paz

Bien salgamos fuera
vamos a dar una vuelta
sólo por un rato
No, no nos atraparán
bueno eso es lo que pensé
hasta que lloramos

Todavía estoy aquí, pero no ha sido fácil
estoy convencido de que tuviste tus motivos
esta emoción me asusta
Durante años la he estado reteniendo
Durante años la he estado reteniendo
traducción de transmusiclation
Esta chica se esfuerza mucho cada día
pero todo se ha echado a perder
porque no hay nadie a su alrededor
Esta chica sabe dibujar, sabe pintar
le gusta bailar, sabe patinar
Ahora ella no emite sonido alguno

Jugaremos en nuestro parque hasta
que sea demasiado oscuro para ver
Bien, iremos a casa
con [manchas de] barro en la ropa
a ella no le gustará

Todavía estoy aquí, pero no ha sido fácil
estoy convencido de que tuviste tus motivos
esta emoción me asusta
Durante años la he estado reteniendo

Y me encanta perdonar y olvidar
así que trato de que dejemos todo esto atrás
tan sólo para saber que
mis brazos están completamente abiertos
Cuanto mayor me hago, más cosas sé
Bien es hora de dejar que esto pase

Tengo que dejar que pase, oh...
tengo que dejarlo ir
tengo que dejarlo pasar
Tengo que dejar que pase, oh!

Todavía estoy aquí, pero no ha sido fácil
estoy convencido de que tuviste tus motivos
esta emoción me asusta
Durante años la he estado reteniendo
traducción de transmusiclation
Y me encanta perdonar y olvidar
así que trato de que dejemos todo esto atrás
tan sólo para saber que
mis brazos están completamente abiertos
Cuanto mayor me hago, más cosas sé

Y me encanta perdonar y olvidar
así que trato de que dejemos todo esto atrás
tan sólo para saber que
mis brazos están completamente abiertos
Cuanto mayor me hago, más cosas sé
Bien es hora de dejar que esto pase...

Información adicional orientativa:
Texto traducido (no exacto): 356 palabras a 0,05 € c/u. equivaldría a 17,80€.
Tu donativo, por pequeño que sea, será una buena obra para la causa.
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